If you ever experience a problem with your site and are unable to solve it, ask the hosting provider’s support staff to assist you to get the site back online. A quick solution would be the most favorable scenario, but many hosting companies answer within 24 hours and even more, especially if you’re dealing with a hosting reseller. Even if your problem can be swiftly sorted out, your website may not function satisfactorily or may not be accessible whatsoever for a long stretch of time, so you may lose prospective clients since it is highly unlikely that anybody would ever return to a broken website. That is why, you need to make sure not only that you can reach your web hosting company, but also that they can respond and assist you in a well-timed fashion. If an app update doesn’t proceed as planned or you delete something mistakenly, for instance, the site must be restored promptly so as to prevent prolonged unreachability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Web Hosting

Our Linux shared web hosting packages come with a one-hour reply guarantee, which implies that no matter what inquiry or complication you may have, we will always be there to help you. As a matter of fact, it rarely takes more than half an hour to get a problem fixed or a query answered, and this is valid for both pre-sales and technical matters. Our customer service team representatives will be at your service 24-7, even on holidays and weekends, which implies that you’ll obtain quick assistance at any time. We realize how invaluable time can be, so by the time we respond to your email or ticket, we will have enquired into the matter and, if we haven’t solved it, we’ll provide you with more information about what you need to do on your end, if the circumstances demand it. With our support service, you can be certain that there will be someone to assist you straight away, whatever the hour.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

As we recognize how crucial it is to get quick help, we promise that you’ll never need to wait for more than 60 minutes to get an answer to any ticket that you send via your semi-dedicated server Control Panel. In reality, you’ll rarely need to wait around for more than twenty to thirty minutes and this applies to any query irrespective of its nature – billing, general or technical. What is more, our tech and client support staff is on duty 7 days a week, which is the reason why even in case you post a ticket during public holidays, you will always get an instant response, which will contain the answer to a question, the solution to a complication or the information necessary to resolve an issue yourself – if there’s something that you have to do on your end. With us, you’ll never need to waste a whole day hanging around awaiting an answer like you would with many other web hosting companies.